Among the many clubs and activities here at Elmira College is WECW, the college radio station. WECW broadcasts at 107.7FM throughout the Elmira area and brings to you a variety of genres- from talk shows, to classical, to alternative music. WECW is located in the campus centre, where DJs can be seen and heard in action by anyone walking by. With two microphones, the broadcast booth can accommodate up to two DJs. Equipment allows DJs to play music on almost any modern platform including iPod, laptop, CD, and cassette.
Anyone can be a DJ, all you have to do is sign up and sit through a couple of training sessions. For some people, being a DJ is second nature. For me, it took a bit of practice. My first few shows were choppy, to say the least.
When I first sat in the booth on my own, it was a little overwhelming. Talking into the microphone was awkward because it felt like I was talking to myself. The soundboard has about a million knobs, and I was trying to remember all the rules while saying the right things, picking songs, adjusting volumes. For my entire first hour-long show, if I wasn’t stuttering into the microphone, I was either playing two things at once, or nothing at all (which was definitely against the rules). I left the microphone on while playing a song, and I talked into the microphone for about two minutes when it was off. I felt like I was a one-man band who had zero coordination.
Practice was really all it took. By my second or third show, I had it down pat. I had memorized the buttons I needed to press and I was way more comfortable talking into the mic (there IS an audience, you just can’t see them). Now, I even use a computer program that simulates a turntable, so I can mix my music, slow it down, add sound filters, etc.
The genre of music I play is called trance. Its like dance music, only a little more deliberate in the progression of the rhythm, and has less words (if you can believe that). But to be honest, if it has a steady beat and a catchy melody, I’ll probably play it. That’s where the virtual turntable comes in. Even with my amateur skills, I can mix beats and pretend I’m a real DJ… You can laugh, but its pretty fun. If you tried it, you’d love it! I even have a DJ alias: ‘The Sandman’. It’s a sweet nickname, yes, but it does serve a purpose. You’re not allowed to say anyone’s full name on the air, so I adopted a nickname that was given to me.
Trance is definitely not the most popular type of music in Elmira, which is why I wanted my own radio show. Now I can play the music I want to hear. If you’re interested, and you’re in the Elmira area, check it out! My show, ‘Trance Hour’, is Thursday nights, from 9-10 on 107.7FM.
Here's a sample: